Trung Vuong University Actively Participates in the 2024 Admissions Consultation Fair

Since the beginning of the year, Trung Vuong University has been actively participating in the 2024 Admissions Consultation Fairs organized by Vinh Phuc Province and Tuoi Tre Newspaper in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) across several Northern provinces. Through these fairs, Trung Vuong University has showcased its image and activities, and provided valuable information about its training programs and admissions to parents and students nationwide.

During these events, faculty, teachers, and students from participating provinces had the opportunity to experience the art of calligraphy performed by lecturers from the university’s Foreign Languages Department. This activity served to inspire and motivate students to study diligently for their upcoming exams and make informed career choices.

Admissions Consultation Activities at Vinh Phuc on January 14, 2024 

Admissions Consultation Activities at Nam Dinh on January 20, 2024 

Admissions Consultation Activities at Thanh Hoa on January 21, 2024 

Admissions Consultation Activities at Hai Duong on March 9, 2024 

Admissions Consultation Activities at Hai Phong on March 10, 2024 

The admissions consultation activities organized by Tuoi Tre Newspaper are annual events that Trung Vuong University regularly participates in. We look forward to meeting students at the Bach Khoa Admissions Consultation Fair on March 17, 2024!

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