Development Strategy of Trung Vuong University for the period 2021-2025 with a vision to 2030


  1. Overview of the University and the current context of Vietnam

Trung Vuong University is a private university established in 2010, with commencing its educational activities in 2011. Over more than a decade of establishment and development, the University has evolved into a multidisciplinary institution focusing on high-quality education, scientific research, technology transfer, and community service, and holding an important position within the national higher education system.

 Against the backdrop of rapid industrial revolution impacting all aspects of life, education, science, and technology, innovation and creativity have become decisive factors in national development. This demands educational reforms that are flexible and lifelong learning-oriented.

 The country’s socio-economic development strategy for the period 2021-2030 aims for Vietnam to become a developing country with a modern industrial base by 2030. One of the strategy’s key breakthroughs is the continuous development of human resources, science, technology, innovation linked with the awakening of national development aspirations, national pride, self-reliance, and promotion of cultural values and the Vietnamese people. The nation’s development in this new phase will create numerous favorable opportunities while also posing challenges to the overall educational development agenda and specifically to higher education institutions.

Based on the national, regional, and local development strategies, the Board of Directors of Trung Vuong University has formulated the University’s development strategy for the new phase 2021-2025, with a vision towards 2030. 

This strategy is built upon the adjustment of the University’s development strategy for the 2016-2020 period, with a vision towards 2030, to align with new perspectives, aiming for sustainable long-term development of the university.

  1. Legal Basis for Development Strategy

Resolution No. 29-NQ/TWdated November 4, 2013, of the Central Committee on fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization in the conditions of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration.

Education Law No. 43/2019/QH14, dated June 14, 2019, of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Higher Education Law No. 08/2012/QH13, dated June 18, 2012, of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Law amending and supplementing some articles of the Higher Education Law No. 34/2018/QH14, dated November 19, 2018, of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Decree No. 99/2019/ND-CP, dated December 30, 2019, of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of some articles of the Law amending and supplementing some articles articles of the Higher Education Law.

Decision No. 69/QD-TTg, dated January 15, 2019, of the Prime Minister approving the project to improve the quality of higher education for the period 2019-2025.

Decision No. 2559/QD-BGDĐT, dated August 6, 2021, of the Minister of Education and Training issuing the Action Plan of the Ministry of Education and Training to implement the Government’s Action Program to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress issued by the Ministry of Education and Training.

 Comprehensive Development Strategy of Trung Vuong University for the period 2015-2020, with a vision towards 2030.

II. PHASE 2021 – 2025

  1. Strategic Development Goals for the Period 2021 – 2025 

– Develop the University towards a combination of research and application; diversify training sectors and fields to meet societal needs and contribute to the economic, cultural, and social development of the country.

– Actively engage in international cooperation and integration.

– Effectively fulfill the responsibility of connecting with and serving the community.

– Mobilize collective intelligence both within and outside the University towards the comprehensive development for Trung Vuong University.

1.1. Organization, Staff, and Management

Renewal of administration and management at the University is based on strategic development objectives and the institution’ core value. Continuously improving the organizational structure to align with the University’s operational realities in a synchronized, streamlined, and efficient manner. Building a team of standardized educators, administrative officers, and specialized professionals to ensure adequate quantity and meet quality requirements with a rational and streamlined structure; this team must possess ethical integrity, enthusiasm for their profession, and strong commitment to the University.

1.2. Training, management, and support for students cover 100% of the educational programs at the University, meeting the general program outcomes and field-specific outcomes according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

 Selective development of new training programs: By 2025, there will be 5 master’s degree programs and 1 doctoral program introduced, alongside over 20 undergraduate programs (of which 70% are in applied fields, including at least 2 high-quality undergraduate programs).

 Maintaining stable annual enrollment quotas. Implementing demand-driven training in collaboration with employers.

 Ensuring 100% of Students have equal access to all university policies, resources, and benefits. Expanding and enhancing the quality of advisory and support services for learners.

1.3. Scientific Research, Technology Development, and International Cooperation

In scientific research and technology development: Enhance scientific research activities to raise the University’s prestige and status. Strengthen connections with enterprises in investing in digital platforms and developing training programs. Aim to operate all management, training, and research activities primarily on digital technology platforms.

In international cooperation: Enhance the University’s image and status, and increase revenue through: 

– Maintaining and developing existing partnerships domestically and internationally, while gradually seeking and expanding relationships with new partners;

– Diversifying forms of collaboration in education, various training types to enrich and enhance the quality of education. Promoting academic exchanges (faculty and student exchanges) to strengthen relationships with universities and institutes; Establishing and refining regulations to ensure quality and supportive guidelines for international cooperation, enhancing the effectiveness of international cooperation management to meet international integration requirements.

1.4. Media, Corporate Relations, Alumni, and Community Service

In media: Build, reinforce, and promote the image of Trung Vuong University as a reputable higher education institution, responsible to the community and society. Increase awareness and foster support from various stakeholder groups in management activities and the University’s development strategies, aiming to establish an organizational culture aligns with the University’s direction, mission, goals, and core values.

In corporate relations and alumni: Maximize the effectiveness of corporate support in training and scientific research; leverage corporate financial, technological support, and practical training opportunities. Increase the employment rate post-graduation, thereby enhancing the University’s brand as a training institution supplying human resources for local, regional, and national needs.

In community service: Enhance the University’s role and responsibility in meeting societal demands and serving the community through knowledge exchange activities, skill development, and capacity building for participants based on existing cooperation and resources, contributing to the development ò both material and spiritual aspects of community life.

1.5. Financial

Innovate management methods to strengthen development. Diversify financial sources, ensuring a reasonable revenue structure. By 2025, achieve the following revenue structure targets: 90% from tuition fees; 7% from services, scientific research, and technology transfer; 3% from mobilized social funds and sponsorships.

Implement a rational expenditure structure, effectively utilizing financial resources, saving regular expenditures, and enhancing the effectiveness of investment spending. Ensure income stability and improve the l quality of life for faculty, staff, and workers.

1.6. Infrastructure

Invest in, develop the infrastructure and technical facilities to best serve the tasks of training, research, and application, contributing to promoting autonomy and successfully implementing the University’s general development strategy.

Build Trung Vuong University into a civilized, modern, and friendly campus.

 Enhance the regulatory system for infrastructure management; improve management capacity and service quality.

1.7. Quality Assurance 

Establish a quality culture at Trung Vuong University, where all training, scientific research, community service, and legal activities adhere to national quality standards, gradually approaching regional standards.

Enhance the results of institutional quality accreditation across all fundamental criteria. A minimum of 20% of the University’s training programs will be accredited according to the standards of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Improve the ranking position of Trung Vuong University on national ranking lists, aligning with the University’s characteristics and conditions.

  1. Mission and Solutions for Implementing the University Development Strategy for the Period 2021-2025 

2.1. Organization, Team, and Management

– Update and refine the internal document system in accordance with legal regulations, the Ministry of Education and Training, and the university’s actual operational conditions.

– Enhance quality and efficiency in planning, decision-making, monitoring, and evaluation based on legal regulations and the University’s actual development needs.

– Develop a proposal to improve the organizational structure and management apparatus of the University.

– Strengthen the training and development of leadership, management skills, and professional knowledge for lecturers through projects focused on human resource development and quality improvement, and programs that attract international students.

– Innovate and improve competition and reward work to encourage the efforts of individuals, departments, and units. Continue prioritizing training and research assignments for young staff to to foster their development and help them meet professional standards early s.

– Review and adjust the Recruitment Plan for staff and lecturers. Innovate the evaluation methods for staff, lecturers, and employees based on work effectiveness and output.

2.2. Training, Management, and Student Support

– Complete training regulations (undergraduate and graduate’s levels). Supplement regulations and policies to support students according to the law and the University’s characteristics.

– Develop specific coordination processes, enhance equipment and software systems to meet the training, management, and student service needs.

– Innovate and enhance the effectiveness of enrollment communication to attract capable and well-qualified students; increase the number of international students studying and researching at the University.

– Review and plan the University’s training fields, and develop suitable admission policies and training orientations for each group of disciplines.

– Adjust the structure of training program to match the University’s strengths and characteristics and better meet social needs. Transition some older programs and introduce new ones. Based on the University’s resources, develop a roadmap and plan to open several master’s and doctoral, high-quality programs, and healthcare programs, suitable for the University’s resources in Pharmacy and Medicine.

– Diversify training program and methods ( full-time, part-time second-degree program, high-quality program, international partnerships, distance training, online training…). Open short-term training and refresher courses to meet the needs of society.

– Conduct a comprehensive review of training programs at all levels to meet the program output standards as regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training, while ensuring continuity, transferability, and credit recognition between different forms, levels, and types of training, and between domestic and international higher education institutions when meeting the University’s regulations.

– Innovate teaching content and activities to approach advanced educational methods, increasing initiative, creativity, application, and practice. Enhance training and experience sharing on teaching method innovation.

– Improve the quality of learning materials, textbooks, and reference materials, prioritizing the purchase or compilation of original books and textbooks from reputable international publishers for teaching and research purposes. Develop and effectively use digital learning resources.

– Develop an integrated information source providing services to gradually achieve comprehensive digital transformation in administrative procedures related to student management and service; develop an IT system to support learning.

– Focus on educating political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, and civic consciousness for students. Establish clubs, policies, and conditions to support and maximize student capabilities and talents.

– Provide diverse services to meet the increasing needs of students: dormitories, sports areas, learning resource centers, cultural activity areas, etc. Plan to cooperate, exploit, and diversify sponsorship sources, and scholarships to support talented students with difficult circumstances. Strengthen career orientation and psychological counseling for students.

– Strengthen cooperation with localities, educational and training institutions, and external units to enhance training cooperation on demand and order. Build policies and enhance university-enterprise cooperation activities to improve training and scientific research efficiency, meeting societal needs.

– Regularly survey and evaluate the quality and employment status of graduates. Survey alumni and employers’ opinions to develop, adjust, and update training programs, improve management activities, and enhance the effectiveness of student services. Organize job promotion activities, entrepreneurship days, enterprise exchanges, and support maximum employment opportunities for graduates.

2.3. Scientific Research, Technology Development, and International Cooperation

In the field of scientific research:

– Focus on solutions and policies to increase the quantity and quality of international publications.

– Change the evaluation method for scientific research results for staff to strongly motivate them both financially and in their professional development.

– Diversify types of funding and support for scientific research activities, including those based on final product results.

– Support lecturers with administrative procedures, especially financial procedures, throughout the process of registering, implementing, and approving scientific and technological projects, with specific, detailed, and easy-to-apply regulations, forms, and guidelines for each type of project.

In the field of technology development:

– Establish a Center for Scientific – Technological Research and Transfer to promote close cooperation with agencies, organizations, and individuals capable of technology transfer cooperation in Vinh Phuc province and nationwide.

– Develop plans and expand the team of Science and Technology staff; establish research and technology transfer groups to meet socio-economic development needs.

– Increase the University’s budget for scientific research and technology transfer activities annually to attract staff to participate in technology transfer research, thereby improving teaching quality.

– Develop special support policies for technology transfer research projects; allocate funds to fully support staff in registering patents or useful solutions.

– Organize technology transfer seminars and training sessions; actively explore cooperative projects; collaborate with scientific and technological organizations and enterprises to link training with scientific research, business production,, and social life.

– Form and develop key laboratories to create research products and inventions with high scientific and practical significance.

In the field of international cooperation:

– Develop and implement long-term, medium-term, and short-term international cooperation plans for Trung Vuong University. Establish regulations on managing international cooperation activities at Trưng Vương University to encourage and facilitate units/individuals’ participation.

– Expand the scale of training for international students. Strengthen international training cooperation while monitoring quality assurance conditions. Expand and develop “internship” programs domestically and internationally.

– Actively seek international cooperation programs and projects in education, science, and technology, and social services. Collaborate with relevant ministries, departments, and other agencies to effectively implement international cooperation activities; actively participate in central and local international cooperation programs.

– Increase the search for scholarships for staff and student training; increase the exchange of staff and students with regional and international educational and scientific institutions.

– Regularly organize and facilitate staff and students’ participation in international conferences, seminars on education, training, and scientific research; participate in educational, scientific organizations, networks, forums, and professional associations regionally and internationally.

– Implement library linkage, scientific information exchange, and international publication.

– Enhance foreign language proficiency for staff and students; collaborate to develop and implement specialized training programs in English with foreign lecturers’ participation.

2.4. Digital Technology and Transformation

– Invest in, upgrade, and develop IT infrastructure and integrated data systems.

– Effectively apply IT in teaching, learning, and scientific research. Develop learning methods; innovate and create digital learning materials, making interaction and experience on digital platforms the main educational activities for lecturers and students, enhancing learners’ autonomy and equipping them with digital skills.

– Train and foster digital capacity for staff to meet digital transformation needs; train personnel to utilize, operate, manage, and develop systems on digital platforms.

2.5. Media, Enterprise Relations, Alumni, and Community Service

In the field of media:

– Evaluate and refine the overall brand identity system of Trung Vuong University. Implement the identity system and monitoring mechanisms to ensure communication goals are achieved.

– Enhance communication and promotion of the University’s image, achievements in training, scientific research, international cooperation, and community service on the website, social media platforms, and academic forums domestically and internationally.

– Strengthen coordination with press agencies and mass media to proactively advertise the University and promptly address related issues in case of an information crisis.

– Develop an internal communication program for all members of the University to ensure that every staff, lecturer, employee, and student understands and becomes a “communication ambassador” for the University.

– Enhance the function of the communication department; increase communication solutions and activities with top high schools to attract quality admissions.

In the field of enterprise relations and alumni:

– Build a comprehensive alumni community of Trung Vuong University. Establish engaging activities, especially fostering strong connections with dedicated and capable alumni to support University development.

– Faculties/departments proactively create specific plans to connect with businesses; p develop branding plans for enterprises, human resource provision, and tailored training according to business requirements (short-term and specific).

– Organize effective pre- and post-MOU collaboration: Individual – Individual, Faculty – Enterprise, University – Enterprise through many channels, members of professional organizations, associations, centers, and enterprise management agencies.

– Develop annual plans and implement activities for the Alumni Association. Organize traditional reunions of alumni on major holidays.

– Organize forums for sharing career, professional experience, cultural exchange, sports, or meetings between staff, students, and alumni to foster unity and bond across generations ; create practical support activities for students and inspire current students.

– Survey alumni and enterprises about training, research, technology transfer activities, accreditation, quality evaluation of the educational institution, entrepreneurship, and infrastructure to enhance University activities’ effectiveness.

In the field of community service:

– Raise awareness among stakeholders about the importance of education and scientific research tied to community service; highlight the benefits and roles of learning through community experiences.

– Ensure training programs include activities that integrate theory and practice through students’ experiential learning activities with the community, maximizing stakeholders’ internal resources.

– Increase scientific research and technology transfer activities that meet and address the practical needs of societal development.

– Diversify and standardize volunteer activities to meet community needs.

– Strengthen connections and cooperation with potential universities (domestic and international) that design community-based teaching activities.

– Improve the capacity of lecturers, students, and partners (community) in designing community-based teaching activities.

2.6. Finance

– Develop proposals, plans, and strategies to enhance and diversify revenue sources: develop various types of scientific services to increase revenue from scientific research and technology transfer; mobilize sponsorship, and other socialized sources….

– Focus on mobilizing revenue from professional activities in line with the University’s specialized fields and capabilities.

– Increase investment funds for infrastructure, and improve teaching, learning, and scientific research conditions. Given limited funds, it’s essential to evaluate and prioritize expenditure tasks, enhance the efficiency of investments, make focused investments, and avoid scattered, inefficiency, wasteful expenditures or accumulating debt.

– Develop internal spending regulations within the financial resources available, tailored to the university’s specific needs. Gradually increase income and ensure the livelihood of staff, lecturers, and employees according to job positions. Proactively save on expenditures,and expand revenue sources to provide additional income for employees.

2.7. Infrastructure

– Approach, propose, and develop medium-term public investment projects for the 2021-2025 period, and projects to enhance research capacity utilization.

– Invest in and develop infrastructure in a synchronized manner within each project and across the entire system to improve efficiency in management and utilization.

– Modernize lecture halls and classrooms to meet the criteria for comprehensive education, enhancing the competencies and qualities of learners, and meeting the demands for innovative, open, flexible, and application-oriented training methods.

– Increase investment in and completion of practice laboratories to improve the effectiveness of research, technology transfer, and the development of technology services.

– Maximize the use of sponsorships to increase investment in infrastructure. Innovate the management of the University’s infrastructure by promoting the application of information technology, enhancing efficiency, and saving resources.

– Enhance the capacity, skills, and professional expertise, and operational conditions of staff, management, and administration teams to comprehensively improve the quality of service, maintenance, and upkeep, ensuring the optimization of available resources and closely aligning with the educational and training functions and duties.

2.8. Quality Assurance

– Developing a quality assurance human resource system: Widely advertise the role and significance of quality assurance in fulfilling the mission, orientation, and goals of the University to establish a foundation and wide support from relevant parties in building and implementing a quality culture. Enhancing the network of quality assurance departments of all units within the University along with a clear legal document system; enhancing capacity building and professional training for staff involved in quality assurance work; Encouraging individuals and units actively participating in accreditation eforts.

– Accreditation of educational institutions and training programs according to national and international standards: Reviewing and planning training programs according to the quality accreditation roadmap; prioritizing international quality accreditation and aligning programs with strategic missions, high-quality training programs; self-assessment and external evaluation according to the standards of the Ministry of Education and Training; Benchmark training programs against the core quality assurance indicators of advanced universities.. Building a roadmap to improve the University’s position in national and international rankings.

– Expanding domestic and international relations to serve quality assurance work

– Enhancing media and business relations: Communicate the brand and quality assurance in the university’s academic spaces and through its communication channels; Co-organize events and spread the brand and quality assurance strategy to learners and stakeholders.

  1. Vision 2030

4.1. Organization, Team, and Management

– Continuously developing the organizational structure with functional departments, faculties, institutes, and centers appropriate to the operational reality of the University.

– Maintaining a team of faculty and researchers with doctoral degrees accounting for 40% or more.

4.2. Training, Management, and Support for Learners

– By 2030, management and student service activities should cater to approximately 10,000 students; establish a modern learning, research, and training environment with diverse, advanced activities and services that fully meet student needs.

– By 2030, prioritize investment to ensure at least one academic program at Trung Vuong University meets international standards.

4.3. Scientific Research, Technological Development, and International Cooperation

– Develop several nationally significant research areas.

– Develop at least 05 strong research groups.

4.4. Digital Technology and Digital Transformation

– Develop network infrastructure to meet the needs of administration, training, scientific research, and technology transfer of the University.

 Develop online repositories that meet 100% of students ‘ study material needs.

Efficiently applying a data-driven, AI-based University management system.

Ensure at least 85% of students satisfaction with the quality of support services on the University’s digital platform.

4.5. Media, Business Relations, Alumni, and Community Service

– Enhance the university’s communication system to a high standard.

– Expand business relations, becoming a hub connecting businesses with education, scientific research, and technology transfer.

– Expand and effectively implement networking ưith alumni and community service.

4.7. Infrastructure

– Fully modernize the university’s infrastructure system

– Trung Vuong University aims to become a smart, interconnected, and sharing university, achieving strategic goals.

4.8. Quality Assurance

– Trung Vuong University achieves accreditation standards according to the Ministry of Education and Training for higher education institutions.

All University training programs are accredited according to the requirements in the Development Strategy of Trung Vuong University for 2021-2025, vision towards 2030.

III. Implementation

  1. Assign the Principal to direct functional units and organize the development of specific action plans for each stage to implement the strategy. Major programs and projects are assigned to lead units for organization, with coordination from other units. Optimize resources, strengths, opportunities, etc., to achieve strategic objectives.
  2. Specifically translate the University’s strategy into programs, detailed plans of organizations, units (programs, projects, plans, etc.) for implementation each academic year. Clearly define each task, its timeline (start, finish), requirements, and resources needed for implementation.
  3. Enhance communication efforts across all administrative, academic, and support staff, laborers, students, and stakeholders.
  4. Delegate the Inspectorate – Legal Affairs Office to advise the President in reviewing legal documents drafted by the Board of Directors, endorsed by the President, and organize inspections to verify the implementation of assigned tasks by units and individuals within the university.
  5. Appoint the Office of Planning and Finance as the lead in implementing information reporting, storage, and appropriate commendation and reward systems.
  6. Annually, the Board of Directors organizes conferences, seminars, reviews, summaries, and adjustments of the objectives, solutions of the strategy specified in the plans, tasks of the academic year. Organize monitoring, inspection, supervision, evaluation, and adjustment of the strategy according to practical circumstances.