Signing Ceremony of the Collective Labor Agreement at Trung Vuong University

On November 19, 2022, Trung Vuong University held a signing ceremony for the Collective Labor Agreement between the university leadership and the university’s trade union.

Following the 2022 Trade Union activity plan, Dr. Nguyen Huy Oanh, President (representing the employer), and Mr. Trinh Minh Truong, Chairman of the University’s Trade Union (representing the employees), signed the Collective Labor Agreement in the presence of the Board of Directors, the University Board, the Trade Union’s Executive Committee, and representatives from various departmental unions.

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Dr. Nguyen Huy Oanh, President, representing the employer, and Mr. Trinh Minh Truong, Chairman of the Union, representing the employees, signing the Collective Labor Agreement.

At the ceremony, Mr. Trinh Minh Truong, Chairman of Trung Vuong University’s Trade Union, stated that, based on the Trade Union’s guidelines and directions, periodic consultations with employees were organized to gather and categorize issues such as policies on wages, working hours, rest periods, and benefits; conflict resolution; and union activities. These issues were then presented in discussions with the university leadership.

He added that through these discussions, the university’s regulations were reviewed to ensure compliance with current laws, making necessary amendments and additions, and resolving many employee concerns, thereby building their trust in the Trade Union.

Additionally, the Trade Union’s Executive Committee gathered employees’ opinions on the content of the Collective Labor Agreement. With the goal of achieving 100% employee agreement, the content of the agreement was tailored to meet their needs and aspirations. This agreement serves as a crucial legal basis for the leadership to care for employees, minimize labor disputes and collective work stoppages, and is a vital factor in promoting the development of Trung Vuong University.

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