Successfully Organized the First Trade Union Congress of Trung Vuong University for the 2023-2028 Term

Under the guidance and direction of the National Education Union of Vietnam, the Party Committee, and the University Board, Trung Vuong University ceremoniously conducted its inaugural Trade Union Congress for the 2023-2028 term on May 15.

Present at the Congress from the National Education Union of Vietnam were Mrs. Nguyen Thi Bich Hop, Vice President, and Mrs. Tran Thi Yen, Member of the Executive Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Inspection Commission, Vice Chairwoman of the Organization-Inspection Department. Representing Trung Vuong University were Mr. Nguyen Duy Ninh, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors; Assoc. Prof. Phan Trong Phuc, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors; Dr. Nguyen Huy Oanh, Party Cell Secretary and President of Trung Vuong University; Mr. Trinh Minh Truong, Chairman of the University Trade Union; members of the Party Committee; the Board of Directors; Heads of university departments; and 51 trade union members who attended and actively participated in the proceedings.

Mr. Trinh Minh Truong, Head of the Inspection – Legislation Department and Chairman of the University Trade Union, delivering the opening speech at the Congress

During the Congress, the attendees reviewed the Political Report and the Review Report presented by the Provisional Executive Committee of the Trung Vuong University Trade Union. In the Political Report, Mr. Trinh Minh Truong, Chairman of the Trung Vuong University Trade Union, underscored the union’s activities, including safeguarding members’ rights, improving members’ welfare, organizing emulation movements, conducting propaganda and financial activities, and addressing the opportunities and challenges of the term. The entire university is dedicated to implementing the resolutions of the Board of Directors on organizational structure, enrollment, training initiatives, and the 2023-2024 academic year plan themed “Creating a Happy Learning Environment,” in anticipation of Trung Vuong University’s founding anniversary (May 18, 2010 – May 18, 2023). Additionally, the Executive Committee of the University Trade Union set forth objectives, targets, and directions for the 2023-2028 term.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Bich Hop, Vice President of the National Education Union of Vietnam, speaking at the Congress 

Addressing the Congress, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Bich Hop, Vice President of the National Education Union of Vietnam, commended and highly appreciated the efforts of the Trung Vuong University Trade Union in organizing activities, fostering emulation movements, and safeguarding members’ legitimate rights and interests in the previous period. She expressed confidence that in the new term, the Executive Committee of the University Trade Union would continue to closely follow the directives of the Party Committee, collaborate effectively with the administration and higher-level trade unions, promote innovation, and inspire members to surmount challenges and successfully fulfill the Congress’s resolutions.

During the Congress, Dr. Nguyen Huy Oanh, Party Cell Secretary and President, remarked, “Over the past 13 years of development, the university trade union was initially established and operated under the Tam Duong District Trade Union, Vinh Phuc. Subsequently, following its growth trajectory, the university trade union transitioned to the Vietnam National Education Union. Looking ahead, we hope that the university trade union will build on its achievements to create more milestones, sustain and orchestrate numerous beneficial activities to fortify solidarity and foster a robust trade union organization.”

Mr. Trinh Minh Truong was selected as the official delegate to attend the 16th Congress of the Vietnam National Education Union. The Congress also elected the Executive Committee for the 2023-2028 term, comprising seven members:

  1. Trinh Minh Truong – Chairman of the Trung Vuong University Trade Union
  2. Nguyen Thanh Son – Vice Chairman of the Trung Vuong University Trade Union
  3. Tran Hong Hiep – Member
  4. Nguyen Vu Nhat Anh – Chairman of the Trade Union Inspection Commission
  5. Nguyen Thi Hong Phuong – Member
  6. Le Thi Thanh Lam – Member
  7. Dao Thi Kieu Nga – Member

Seven members of the Executive Committee of the Trung Vuong University Trade Union for the 2023-2028 term 

The inaugural Trade Union Congress of Trung Vuong University for the 2023-2028 term concluded successfully. The triumph of the Congress provides renewed vigor for the University Trade Union to persist in overcoming obstacles, translating Congress resolutions into tangible actions, innovating operational strategies, and cultivating a robust and exemplary trade union organization that contributes significantly to the university’s comprehensive advancement.

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