Trung Vuong University: A Proud Achiever of Institutional Accreditation Standards

Trung Vuong University is honored to be among the few private universities in Vietnam that meet national quality accreditation standards for higher education institutions. This recognition underscores the university’s significant role and position within the country’s higher education system, aligning it with national educational criteria.

Achieving Accreditation and Integrating into the National Education System

To earn the quality accreditation certificate, Trung Vuong University underwent a rigorous self-assessment and external evaluation process, ensuring compliance with 25 criteria and 111 indicators. The university has consistently improved and refined its training programs, invested in facilities, and enhanced the capacity of its faculty.


Curriculum Improvement: The training programs at Trung Vuong University are continuously updated and innovated to meet the practical needs of society and the labor market. The university regularly consults experts, businesses, and alumni to adjust the teaching content.

Investment in Facilities: The university has invested in modern facilities to support students’ learning and research. Classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and dormitories are equipped with advanced equipment, providing the best conditions for students’ comprehensive development.

Enhancing Faculty Capacity: The faculty at Trung Vuong University is not only highly qualified but also passionate and creative in their teaching. The university frequently organizes training courses and workshops to enhance their skills and modern teaching methods.


While Trung Vuong University takes pride in its institutional accreditation certificate, many other universities are still striving to achieve this standard. Universities that have not yet achieved accreditation may face disadvantages in attracting students, faculty, and international collaborations, as well as in providing good job opportunities for graduates.

Benefits of Achieving Institutional Accreditation

Establishing Credibility: The institutional accreditation certificate is the clearest evidence of Trung Vuong University’s credibility and educational quality. This recognition helps the university attract talented students and faculty from various places.

More Employment Opportunities for Students: Graduates from accredited universities are highly valued by employers, leading to attractive job opportunities and a competitive advantage in the labor market.

Strengthening International Cooperation: The quality accreditation certificate also helps Trung Vuong University enhance its cooperation with international partners, expanding programs for student and faculty exchanges and scientific research.

Trung Vuong University’s Commitment

Trung Vuong University is committed to continuously maintaining and improving the quality of education, meeting both national and international accreditation standards. The university prioritizes the interests of students, providing the best conditions for their comprehensive development in both specialized knowledge and soft skills. The university also commits to ensuring employment for graduates.

With the motto “Learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to assert oneself,” Trung Vuong University strives to become a reputable and quality educational institution, where every student is equipped with the necessary tools to step into the future.

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