Field Trip of Multimedia Communication Students from Trung Vuong University to Kim Dong Publishing House

On July 4, 2024, Multimedia Communication students from Trung Vuong University embarked on a special field trip to Kim Dong Publishing House, one of the most reputable and long-standing publishers in Vietnam, renowned for its children’s books and classic literature.

Early in the morning, the students arrived at Kim Dong Publishing House, where the visit began with an introduction to the history and development of the publishing house. They learned about the entire book production and publishing process, from brainstorming and content writing to editing, cover design, printing, and distribution.

Following the introduction, the students toured the library and explored thousands of books published by Kim Dong. Employees shared valuable insights into the publishing field, discussing the challenges authors face and their passion for book publishing.

A highlight of the visit was observing the staff at work and participating in book cover design under the guidance of experts. This hands-on experience provided the students with practical learning opportunities, enhancing their skills and knowledge.

Student Le Duc Duong shared, “The trip to Kim Dong Publishing House helped us gain practical insights and learn many useful things. We understood more about the structure and tasks involved in manuscript organization, editing, translation, publishing, and distribution. Visiting Kim Dong Publishing House had been a long-standing wish not only for me but for all Multimedia Communication students at Trung Vuong University. We were very happy and excited that our faculty organized this meaningful trip for us.”

The visit concluded with an open discussion where students could ask questions and share their impressions. Many expressed their enthusiasm and gratitude for the valuable knowledge and experiences gained from the trip.

The field trip to Kim Dong Publishing House not only helped Multimedia Communication students from Trung Vuong University understand more about the book publishing process but also ignited their passion and love for the profession. It also promoted the spirit of reading among young people, teenagers, and children. This will surely be a memorable experience in their student life.

Some other images of the field trip:


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