Trung Vuong University and Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE) Discuss Potential Collaboration

On the morning of May 14, 2024, Trung Vuong University hosted a significant meeting with representatives from Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE) to explore potential collaboration between the two institutions in the near future. This marks a pivotal step in Trung Vuong University’s efforts to expand international cooperation and elevate the quality of its education and training.

Introduction to MSUPE

Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE) ranks among the top 100 universities in Russia, distinguished in the fields of psychology and education. Established in 1981, MSUPE is renowned for its diverse range of programs spanning from Bachelor’s to Doctoral degrees, alongside its exceptional academic environment and pioneering research endeavors. Featuring 19 Bachelor’s programs, 41 Master’s programs, and 11 Doctoral programs, MSUPE’s prominent status within the Russian higher education landscape underscores its excellence in teaching and research. Notably, MSUPE specializes in Communication, Information Technology (IT), and Foreign Languages, areas that align with Trung Vuong University’s strengths and potential for development.

Content of the Meeting

During the meeting, representatives from Trung Vuong University and MSUPE engaged in discussions regarding future collaboration opportunities aimed at enhancing educational quality and training. Both parties expressed keen interest in fostering a sustainable partnership encompassing student and faculty exchanges, joint research initiatives, and collaborative program development.

Mr. Nguyen Duy Ninh, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at Trung Vuong University, warmly welcomed the delegation from MSUPE, emphasizing, “Collaborating with MSUPE will open myriad opportunities for our students and faculty, enabling them to access advanced teaching methodologies and research practices from Russia. Trung Vuong University is confident that with mutual commitment, this partnership will yield significant accomplishments.”

Ms. Shushanik Usubyan, Head of the Office of International Affairs at MSUPE, echoed enthusiasm for potential collaboration with Trung Vuong University, stating, “We are highly impressed by the progress and quality of education at Trung Vuong University. We envision our cooperation extending beyond academic exchanges to encompass joint research projects and collaborative training initiatives.”

Ms. Shushanik Usubyan, Head of the Office of International Affairs at MSUPE

During deliberations, both parties expressed intent to establish working groups dedicated to implementing specific collaborative ventures. These groups will focus on developing joint training programs, organizing mutual scientific symposia, and undertaking research endeavors within designated fields such as Communication, Information Technology, and Foreign Languages.

The meeting between Trung Vuong University and MSUPE transpired in a spirit of cooperation and openness, signifying a new milestone in Trung Vuong University’s global outreach efforts while unlocking abundant opportunities for its academic community.

Let us eagerly anticipate further advancements in this collaborative relationship and the ensuing opportunities it will bring to Trung Vuong University’s academic landscape.

Some images from the meeting:


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